Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lunchroom Food

Throughout the day, students in school get hungry and are looking for a quick meal in the lunchroom but usually get their appetite ruined by the food options provided. The food served sometimes looks inedible and smells weird. Variety is limited as well so students eat pizza with milk which doesn't sound like an appealing combination to most. Some students in this school depend on school lunch to feed them and the unappealing food can make them not want to eat it anymore which isn't a healthy choice. The food served isn't nutritious most of the time and we are unaware of how long it has been stored.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with you the food looks mushy and extremely unappetizing. I, myself will not eat school food because of the way it looks, smells and for the fact that I don't know how long the food has been stored away for. -Jennifer Z.
