Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Bad Schedules

         Many times in students' Midwood careers, they are faced with poorly created schedules. There have been many instances where schedules start too early, start too late, contain two lunches, contain two gyms, or a combination of all of those problems. This is a major inconvenience for kids because it throws the whole flow of their day off. It is unfair for kids to be placed in classes they don't belong in or make the kids stay in school for longer than they need to be in. On top of these issues, it is almost impossible for kids to get their schedules changed after it is messed up. So many kids have these crazy schedules and when they go to get it fixed, there's a major backup and it takes a very long time for the changes to finally be put into place. This is an unfortunate problem that if it were fixed would make people's lives a lot easier.

1 comment:

  1. You do know you can talk to your guidance consular. right?
