Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Too early

Starting school at 7 a.m. everyday can take a toll on many students. Many of the students live far from the school and have to wake up as early as 4:30 A.M to make it to school on time. Getting enough hours of sleep is important for the growing body and students are not getting enough making it hard to function in school for 8 hours. Waking up in the morning when it is still dark to make sure you get ready, have breakfast, which many students don't have time for, and make it to school on time. Many students also have to rely on public transportation to get to school, so they have to plan out their timing accordingly to make it on time.Also, hours of homework after school has students staying up late hours to finish it. By the end of the week, students are exhausted.


  1. I agree with you. Students should be able to have time for do activities that they want to do while having enough hours of sleep to do better in school.

  2. I agree that the school starts way too early. I know many friends who are constantly coming into class late and some don't even bother showing up to class when they are late because they already missed majority of the class.

  3. I agree that the stress and toll of getting to class early is not good for students. Many students are stressed enough as is, not to mention sleep deprived. It really takes a toll on their health and their work.
